Many years ago I attended a seminar where one of America''s best-known speakers was out here on the Australian talk circuit. He was covering the age-old topic of correct self-image, positive thought and how to be successful at anything you put your mind to...

General PattonDuring his delivery he touched on the subject of loyalty, both from a personal perspective and loyalty within the environment of business, setting us up around the flanks with some well used clichés like... ''Never give up'', ''Never help your needers - only give help to your deservers'', and... ''It''s not the size of the dog in the fight - it''s the size of the fight in the dog''.

Then he quoted that old time favourite of General George S. Patton...

"If you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body - never let the body tell the mind what to do".

Pausing, he took a deep breath and asked me and around 2000 other ardent listeners to make sure we had our pen and paper handy, to make notes on his following comments.

"LOYALTY... There are two ways in life that we can develop loyalty. One way is that two (Or more) people can know one another for a lifetime. Many years of ''trial and tribulation'' can develop into an impregnable loyalty..." he continued, “the second way to develop unquestionable loyalty can be as simple as ''the size of the cheque’ that you paid that person last week".

Now he took an extended pause that gave him enough time for a slow ten count giving us time to catch up on the notes, and just enough time for ''the apparent paradox'' to set in as a result of his seemingly conflicting statements. Then with perfect timing he threw us the punch line, "And after a lifetime in the people business, even today, I still don''t know which of these *loyalties is the strongest".



After careful consideration of these two concepts, I realised that this man had unknowingly acknowledged to me the power base of my BJC-RMG organisation (Bob Jones Corporation - Resource Management Groups). Whenever we take on a project involving ''Business Associates'' and ‘Associates’, which constitutes either ‘CIVILIANS’ who have either a recent track record of favourable Business Associations with us (i.e. Thus we relate to them as ‘Business Associates’), and/or BOB JONES ‘BLACK BELTS’ (Who have known one another for long periods of time, and are simply referred to as ‘Associates’).

The right RESOURSES together with a decisive MASTER PLAN backed by correct MANAGEMENT with all these three concepts working together as a GROUP made up of ‘Associates’ and ‘Business Associates’, generally affects the financial outcome of that project favourably for all concerned.

*LOYALTIES WITHIN THE BJC… with the ‘size of that cheque last week’, being shared amongst ‘many years of friendship’ along with recent ‘Business Associates’ achieving a win/win situation for all concerned, this surely, is the ‘double-edged sword’ power base of my organisation…